cPanel vs Plesk: Control Panel Comparison
Oct 31, 2015
When it comes to web hosting control panels, the choices and options are far too many. We have open source and free options, as well as proprietary ones. cPanel, Plesk, VirtualMin, InterWorx, DirectAdmin, you name it!
As such, it often gets tough to decide which web hosting control panel one should opt for. On one hand, as an end user, you need to know which control panel will make your life easier in the long run, on the other hand, as a web hosting provider, you should be aware of the pros and cons of the web hosting control panel that you are offering, so as to be able to serve your customers in a better manner.
cPanel and Plesk are two of the biggest names in this field, and each of them has a loyal following and user base, as well as a long list of advantages and disadvantages. So, which one beats the other? In this post, I will offer a comparison of cPanel and Plesk.
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