Review Hell Blog: General

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Why I Stopped Using CloudFlare


CloudFlare is a content delivery network (CDN) that has gained a lot of popularity because of their alleged ability to supercharge your website. A lot of so-called experts (and even some web hosts) claim that implementing CloudFlare can help your site can gain a dramatic amount of boost in terms of speed and security!

Sounds pretty awesome, right?

While that might have been a fact a few years ago, there’s no truth to all of that anymore. It’s all just bullshit now. To me, CloudFlare is nothing but a buzzword that helps hosts attract customers who want speedy websites (i.e., everyone).

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Has Your Site Been Blacklisted?


The unfortunate experience of having your site blacklisted can cost you money, reputation and time spent finding and fixing the offending site behavior. When you’re blacklisted, potential visitors are alerted that your site has been blacklisted, and they’re advised to back out. No good for business.

You can also be blacklisted by having your emails get rejected. Same applies: bad for business.

If you’re innocent of malicious behavior but you’ve been blacklisted through no fault of your own, you probably got hacked. If you didn’t get hacked, it could be your web host’s email server.

No worries, it happens everyday and there’s a way out.

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3 Ways You’re Probably Inviting Hackers to Your Website


You may not think hackers are interested in you or your website. Sorry to burst your bubble but you are so wrong. They covet your site, actually, for its ability to spread malware and malicious code that does all sorts of evil things in the world.

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Looks Like Someone Hates Review Hell


Just found out that some guy wants to badly hurt Review Hell’s search engine rankings for certain keywords. As of today he has published at least 10 articles on spam blogs, and in those articles he linked to my reviews using “bad” anchor texts.

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Why Most Other Review Sites Suck


I’ve been feeling lazy all day and I’ve got no work to do, so I decided to read some web hosting reviews by other people. I was browsing through many sites including WebHostingTalk but the one site that made my day was WhoIsHostingThis.

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Happy Holidays Everyone!

Christmas is fast approaching! It’s getting chilly but I’m sure there will be some really hot web hosting deals this holiday season. I’ll make sure to post coupons as soon as they’re available to help you save on your next hosting purchase.

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